
Along with the extensive experience of the Crothers Consulting team, we can bring you best practices in all areas of HR consulting and coaching.

When we partner with you, we bring training and assessments from experts like:

  • The Leadership Circle
  • Coaches Training Institute (CTI)
  • DiSC
  • WorldatWork
  • Myers Briggs Talent Inventory
  • Korn Ferry PROFILOR (PDI)

Contact us to begin the process!

Building a Strengths Based Team Using Strengthsfinders (T1)


In this workshop participants will learn how to leverage their own strengths as well as their teammates for maximum productivity. StrengthsFinder 2.0 has become a popular tool for conducting team building at corporations, nonprofits and faith-based organizations around the globe. Building A Strengths Based Team is designed to maximize the applicability of the StrengthsFinders assessment by focusing on the strengths of all members of a team. 


  • The business case for focusing on our strengths
  • Understanding the Strengthsfinders concepts
  • Review of what each strength means and how it can be applied at work
  • How to identify our strengths
  • What are the strengths of this group?
  • How we can leverage our strengths as a team

Team Building

Working in a Multigenerational Workforce (T2)


This workshop provides an evidence-based approaches to working more effectively with each generation. Each generation brings their own value to the workplace, however, working together can pose some unique challenges. This program provides strategies and techniques to harness the strengths of each of the generations for a more productive work environment. 

This interactive program provides a thorough background of each generation including: traits, influences, communication styles, and work styles. Participants learn how to work with each generation to maximize productivity and reduce workplace conflict.  Common “generation clashes” are highlighted along with techniques to reduce misunderstanding and frustration, and increase cooperation and teamwork.


  • Demographic information, traits and influences about each generation
  • Perceptions of each generation’s employees: myths versus realities
  • Communication strategies
  • Collaboration techniques
  • Communication preferences
  • Tips on flexing to each generation
  • Engagement strategies   

Working Effectively with Different Styles - using DiSC (T3)

What is the key to a successful workplace? Communication! This engaging, interactive workshop provides strategies and techniques to recognize and understand different communication styles for a more productive work environment. Participants will assess their own style, learn how to recognize other people’s style and discover how to flex their communication to maximize productivity and reduce workplace conflict. This workshop provides practical tools that can be used immediately.


  • Understanding the four different styles
  • Style assessment
  • Reading other people’s style
  • The differences between styles
  • Exercises to practice communication with different styles
  • Common clashes between styles
  • How to flex your style to decrease conflict and improve understanding

Design the Life You Love Workshop (T6)


This program will help you deconstruct your current reality to enable a shift our perspective to see the same things differently.  You'll reconstruct a new reality that is more than the sum of its parts. Helping people get focused on what matters most and how they can begin to refocus their life to achieve what they desire.  


  • Deconstruct your life creatively
  • Focus on values
  • Shift your point of view from the present to the future
  • Reconstruct life and decide what really matters
  • Express the life you love as a great new design and live the life you love

Creating a New Normal: Time Management for the Remote Worker Employee Market (T5)


This course is focused on helping the newly remote worker establish effective time management skills that will help them effectively manage the remote work environment to help increase productivity, efficiency and work effectiveness. 


  • Basic principles of time management with remote working
  • Best practices for managing a chaotic work environment
  • Importance of creating your own workspace
  • 9 practical ways to improve time management skills
  • The 4 D’s of Time Management

Improve Your Emotional Intelligence (T4)


IIn this course, participants will strengthen skills that are part of being emotionally intelligent. Activities and exercises allow for practical application of these skills. Studies conducted across hundreds of organizations have demonstrated a correlation between emotional intelligence (EI) and effective performance.

Emotional Intelligence has been shown to be twice as important as other drivers of job performance such as IQ and technical skills AND emotional intelligence can be learned and improved over time. 


  • The business case for improving emotional intelligence
  • Emotional intelligence self-assessment
  • Self-awareness – triggers and motivators
  • Self-management – stress management and change management tools
  • Social awareness – the role of empathy and organizational awareness
  • Relationship management - collaboration techniques
  • Case studies and workplace applications
  • Blind spots with emotional intelligence
  • Techniques for ongoing EI improvement
  • Individualized action plan

Trust is the Key to Strong Organizations (T7)


This program will build awareness and understanding of the elements and dynamics that enable trust among team members, using the principles and behaviors of Stephen M. Convey’s book “The Speed of Trust”. Participants will begin to practice enhancing trust among themselves and ultimately within relationships, organizations and ultimately society.


  • Trust Definition
  • Relationship between Trust, Speed and Cost
  • The Five Waves of Trust
  • Trust Behaviors
  • Cores of credibility
  • Trust: A belief that those on whom we depend will meet our expectations


Enhanced Negotiation Skills using DiSC (T8)


Understanding the personal preferences and style of the person sitting on the other side of the negotiating table provides people with a huge advantage. This session will provide participants insight on their personal style and how to read their colleagues/clients/prospects, thereby making the negotiation process easier to navigate.

How hard should you push your negotiating partner? Since the styles vary so widely, understanding the basics of each personality and what they crave most is key to successfully navigating a negotiation with them. If you are heading into a negotiation with someone with a distinctive high C-Style, you’ll know to be prepared to discuss data, information and details. If you try the same method with a high I-Style, they may become disengaged or worse, feel overwhelmed and avoid contact with you.

Prerequisite: DiSC assessment and training


  • Revisit DiSC styles
  • Negotiation and stakeholder engagement
  • What is a stakeholder?
  • Stakeholders project alignment
  • Negotiation skills and DiSC style
  • Relating to dimension behavior
  • Stakeholder engagement levels 

Delivering with Agility (T9)


This workshop helps develop a culture of responsiveness and empowerment by creating a solid framework for moving from challenge to successful outcomes with clarity and agility. As companies rush to implement new Agile methodologies (e.g. Scrum or Kanban), they may overlook new organizational challenges: discrepant priorities, unclear decision-making, siloed information, and a proliferation of inefficient meetings.


  • Defining problems
  • Setting goals
  • Learning the difference between strategy and OKRs (Objectives and Key Results)
  • Crafting strategies
  • Using divergent and convergent thinking
  • Effective planning
  • Prioritization Matrix
  • Rapid Decision-Making
  • Iterative execution
  • Measuring progress
  • Agile meetings
  • Closing retrospectives

Empathy in Action (T10)


This interactive workshop explores the power of empathy when it comes to engaging a diverse workforce as well as provides effective tips and strategies for fine-tuning your empathy skills. Employed properly, empathy is simple and yet so powerful. Many times, we get this wrong because we want to fix, change, rescue or problem solve - participation will help "get it right."

Participants will gain a deeper understanding of empathy, why it matters and its benefits. In addition, they will learn strategies to employ empathy, the questions to ask, how to improve relations and assist in becoming a more productive team member or effective leader. 


  • Defining empathy and its benefits
  • Factors that impact our ability to feel empathy towards others
  • Reflective listening as a tool to harness empathy
  • Tips for showing up in the workplace with more empathy